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Our GitLab Managed Services – “Bring your Own Cloud”

Besides providing a fully -managed solution of GitLab,
we also provide a hybrid managed solution named “Bring Your Own Cloud

gitlab managed service bring your own cloud

Bring your own cloud (also known as “BYOC” or “bring your own device” or “bring your own machine”) is an approach that could be your best-of-breed:

  1. You bring your preferred cloud vendor
    (e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure, IBM, Digital Ocean, Oracle or any other cloud provider)
  2. We provide you with a GitLab managed service drawing on our vast GitLab expertise (since 2016) plus GitLab Licenses.
    i.e. we manage the environment including support for hosts, infrastructures, network, security, monitoring (optional), GitLab application and GitLab subscription licenses.

For more information or pricing please contact us: or call us 866-503-1471 / +972-722-405-222

Where could it be useful?

  • If you prefer not to manage GitLab hosting by yourself – yet you cannot use (i.e. public SaaS / cloud solution provided by GitLab Inc) as it’s stored in the US only
  • If you have your cloud vendor already (providing you with machines or security policy) and you prefer to keep using it
  • If you want to enjoy all Self -managed GitLab functionality that’s not available in (there are dozens of features you can’t find in – see here)
  • If you want the best-of-breed solution of both managed solution plus your private instance where you have full control
  • If you need full flexibility like choosing your cloud vendor, your preferred cloud regions, cloud / security policies
  • If you plan a smart high availability (HA) or disaster recovery (DR) of your GitLab environment

What makes our offering different?

  • We provide quality managed services and support of GitLab – as we have lots of expertise on the technical side of GitLab (we have a team of tech experts who have worked with GitLab since 2015 and git since 2012)
  • We have been partnered with GitLab since 2016 (6+ years) – and we’ve sold licenses to hundreds of customers so far, so we know everything to help you find & match the best GitLab license offering for your specific needs
  • We’ve implemented dozens of GitLab projects (see a partial list) including add-ons we built on top of GitLab
  • We have experience in complementary tools of GitLab including git, Jira, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Terraform, HashiCorp Vault, Akeyless Vault and more
  • We have a deep understanding in both (technical sides of) GitLab and GitLab CI/CD including GitLab Core (open source / free edition)
  • We can build smart and complex HA /DR solutions for GitLab environments


Watch our video with GitLab CEO who welcomes GitLab users:

Note: in case you need GitLab licenses only – or fully managed service (including hosts) we can help you as well!

ALM-Toolbox officially represents GitLab and provides subscription licenses, consulting, managed services, support, add-on development, training and more.
Contact us for any questions:
or call us: 866-503-1471 (
USA / Canada)  or +972-722-405-222 (International)


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